Frankie's Story ask Sara Levitas 5 Tips for Now.

Frankie's Story ask Sara Levitas 5 Tips for Now.

By Hadassah Jordan

Frankie's Story ask Sara Levitas 5 Tips for Now.

When Sara walked into Frankie's Story I was naturally drawn to her warmth and enthusiasm for beautiful things.

I have been fortunate to share a meal with Sara and her family and I walked away with a sense of peace and a full heart.


Here is 5 Tips for Now from  Sara (as Sara calls her centred - ness)



1.  Talk a walk.  I'll keep doing that until they give out fines for going out side, fresh air is the best medicine for anything.

Song that's on repeat:

IDAN RAICHEL'S newest album.

It reminds us of the fun summer we just had in Florida, and in general, his music just brings me back to everything good in this world. 

I love you Idan if you ever read this.